As a thinker focusing on humanistic concern, Schwartz made a unique reflection on the “impact-response” research mode that once prevailed in American sinology and made a breakthrough of great significance. Through the introduction of the situational awareness of problems and diversified cultural orientation, the emphasis on non-tendentious and noncontracted comparative cultural perspectives, the emphasis on various tensions both inside and outside the culture and on the situations and roles of intellectuals , Schwarzenegger broke the inherent impression of “stable and rigid” China’s traditional culture in the eyes of Western scholars, revealed the complex diversity and unknowns of the development model of Chinese and Western cultures and civilizations, and paid more attention to being in the inner part of Chinese society and culture Of the efforts made by Chinese intellectuals in the specific context of the modern era and the internal impetus thus provided for the development of China. Regardless of the methodological value of reconsidering Chinese and Western cultures or exploring comparative culture, Schwartz’s perspectives and perspectives are still very instructive.