我在长期领导教学的实践中体会到:从不同角度,通过多种渠道,针对具体问题,帮助教师根据社会发展和时代的要求,逐步明确教学指导思想,这是校长抓教学的首要任务。教学管理不能只在方法上打转转,要从治本抓起。要把坚持学习理论、明确指导思想、改革教法、研究学法融为一体,同步进行。 1983年秋,我校调入一名从师范学校毕业、刚刚走上教育岗位的年轻老师。开学不久,我和其他领导一起去听她教习作例文《买绸带》一课。上课时,她按
In my long-term leadership teaching practice, I realized that from different perspectives, through various channels, we can help teachers to clarify the guiding ideology of teaching according to the requirements of social development and the times for specific problems. This is the primary task for principals to grasp teaching. Teaching management can not just turn around in the method, we must start from the root cause. We should adhere to the study of theory, a clear guiding principle, the reform of teaching and learning, law of study into one, simultaneously. In the autumn of 1983, our school transferred to a young teacher who graduated from normal school and has just embarked on an education post. Shortly after the start of the school, I went with other leaders to listen to her teaching as an example of “Buy a Ribbon”. She pressed during class