In subsynchronous resonance(SSR)systems where shaft systemsof turbine-generator sets are coupling with electric networks,Hopf bifurcation willoccur under certai
Separated shear layer of blunt circular cylinder has been experimen-tally investigated for the Reynolds numbers (based on the diameter) ranging from2.8×10~
The tensile deformation localization and the shear band fracturebehaviors of sheet metals with strong anisotropy are numerically simulated by usingUpdating Lagr
An approximate method for describing the plastic hardening-softening behaviour of circular pipes subjected to pure bending is presented.Theo-retical estimation
A new theory on the construction of optimal truncated Low-Dimensional Dynamical Systems(LDDSs)with different physical meanings has beendeveloped.The physical pr
Based on the principle given in nonlinear diffusion-reaction dynam-ics, a new dynamic model for dislocation patterning is proposed by introducing arelaxation ti
In this paper,elastoplastic stress-strain behavior during tensile de-formation of an aluminum alloy matrix composite containing alumina circular andnon-circular