白斑综合征和桃拉综合征是严重危害虾类养殖业的两种传染性疾病,病原的快速检测是控制疾 病暴发,减少病害损失的有效方法之一。青虾是太湖地区的主要养殖虾类,本实验应用白斑病毒和桃拉病毒 复合式试剂盒,对太湖附近的青虾进行检测,结果未发现太湖青虾感染或携带这两种病毒。
White spot syndrome and taura syndrome are two serious infectious diseases that endanger the shrimp culture industry. Rapid detection of the pathogen is one of the effective methods to control disease outbreak and reduce disease loss. Freshwater shrimp is the main cultured shrimp in the Taihu Lake region. In this experiment, the white spot virus and the taura virus composite kit were used to test the freshwater shrimp near Taihu Lake. The results showed no or no infection of the freshwater shrimp in Taihu Lake.