桂林市 军转干部培训工作取得新突破

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本刊讯(通讯员钟章和)2015年,桂林市干部培训管理办公室(桂林市转业军官培训与自主择业管理办公室)勇于创新,敢于突破,拟定了《桂林市计划安置军转干部培训考核评分办法(试行)》,将军转培训结果与培训安置直接挂钩,实现了培训与安置的无缝对接。《桂林市计划安置军转干部培训考核评分办法(试行)》,由桂林市军转办以文件的形式下发实施,对象为培训安置的军转干部,考核内容分为出勤、课堂纪律、理论考试、论文撰写、评先评优五个方面,考评实行百分制,其中出勤占70%、课堂纪律占 Benjixun (Correspondent Zhong Zhanghe) In 2015, Guilin Cadre Training Management Office (Guilin Commune Officer Training and Independent Career Management Office) was brave enough to make innovations and dared to make breakthroughs. He formulated the Measures for Guidance Assessment of Cadre Training and Assessment (Trial) ", the general turned to training results and training and resettlement directly linked to achieve a seamless docking training and placement. Guilin Municipal Planned Resettlement Corps Cadre Training Assessment Method (Trial Implementation), Guilin Military Transition Office to issue the document in the form of implementation, training and placement of cadres for the military training cadres, assessment content is divided into attendance, classroom discipline, theory Exams, essay writing, the first evaluation of the five aspects of assessment, the implementation of percentile system, of which 70% of attendance, classroom discipline
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