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从1973年摩托罗拉系统部的总经理马丁·库泊发明了移动电话,到如今几乎人手一机,也不过短短几十年。但是这几十年时间里,尤其是在近几年里,手机的变化可谓巨大:从GSM/CDMA制式的选择多样性,从单一颜色屏幕到26万色屏幕,从单一通话功能到拍照、听音乐、玩游戏样样俱通,甚至到3G网络实现的视频、定位、看电视……手机已不仅仅是一个单纯的通讯工具,它转变成为一个多媒体和信息的终端设备,已成为人们从事日常的沟通、娱乐、理财等活动不可或缺的工具。作为数码爱好者,我们不仅关心手机能否使用,不仅关心某项新功能的出现,我们更关心的是不同的手机使用效果为什么不同?手机是怎样实现某个功能的操作的?手机新功能出现的前因后果……总之,我们相信手机背后的故事更精彩。这篇文章就是带大家走到手机制造的背后,探究手机不为人知的一些秘密。 From 1973, Martin Cooper, the general manager of Motorola Systems, invented the mobile phone, and now almost a single machine, but only a few decades. But for decades, especially in recent years, cell phone changes can be described as huge: from the diversity of GSM / CDMA formats, from single-color screens to 260,000-color screens, from single call functions to taking pictures, listening Music, games, everything, even to the 3G network to achieve the video, positioning, watching TV ...... Mobile phone is more than just a simple communication tool, it transformed into a multimedia and information terminal equipment, has become a daily routine Communication, entertainment, financial management and other activities an indispensable tool. As digital enthusiasts, we are not only concerned about the mobile phone can use, not only concerned about the emergence of a new feature, we are more concerned about the different effects of different mobile phone use Why mobile phone is a function of the operation? Mobile phone new features appear In short, we believe that the story behind the phone is more exciting. This article is to bring everyone behind the handset manufacturing, to explore some unknown cell phone secrets.
目的 探索了解北京市怀柔区社区居家严重精神障碍患者免费服药依从性的相关因素.方法 采用简单随机抽样的方法,对2018年3月至2019年3月期间,登记在“北京市怀柔区精神卫生管
孕产妇系统管理是围产期保健的基础,而提高孕产妇系统管理的质量乃是降低孕产妇死亡率的关健所在. 近二年来,在如何提高孕产妇系统管理质量方面,我们主要抓了以下几个方面的
修造船电焊时可能引起危害的毒物主要是铅、锰等。因作业点多在通风不良的闭合船体舱,故生产环境空气中铅、锰含量测定值通常超过卫生标准,在狭 The toxic substances that