斯老板曰:“NBA正在面临一个最黑暗的时代。”我们能有幸目睹百年难得一见的故事,除了要感谢斯老板亲手为NBA球迷设计这么一个黑暗历史外,NBA要怎样才能做到救亡图存呢?狼王KG在最动乱的时代毅然决然投笔从戎,从永远都是冬天的明尼苏达转会到暗无天日的波士顿,成功转移多事记者的注意力。这个曾属于神的传人的人工英雄,总算是帮斯老板稳住了半壁江山,而那个剩下的半壁江山要怎么办呢,总不能还靠Kobe转会吧?于是乎,NBA决定换一个商业口号,大家耳熟能详的“I Love This Game!”将在新球季开始时被“Where Amazing Happens!”所取代……
The boss said: “The NBA is facing one of the darkest times.” “We are fortunate enough to witness the rare story of a hundred years, in addition to thank the boss personally designed for NBA fans such a dark history, the NBA how to do Saving the image? Garnett KG resolutely voted in the most turmoil times, from Minnesota in the winter will always be transferred to the dark Boston, the successful diversion of the attention of troubled reporters. This artificial heroes who once belonged to God’s successor, finally help the boss to stabilize half of the country, and that the remaining half of the country how to do, can not always rely on Kobe transfer? So, the NBA decided to change a commercial slogan, Everyone familiar ”I Love This Game!“ Will be replaced by ”Where Amazing Happens!" At the beginning of the new season ...