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在中国书法史上,唐代是晋代以后的又一高峰。此时在真、行、草、篆、隶等书体中都出现了许多名家,以真书与草书的影响尤著。初唐四家,发展到欧褚颜柳,书法观念(史)逐渐变转,但真书书家大多脱胎于王羲之,但又兼承魏晋以来墨迹与碑版的双重传统,渐从萧散妍妙的王家书派中脱颖而出,风格转呈严谨雄劲,法度森严。二王笔下的正书是隶楷兼带行、草意味,而唐代颜柳之间的楷书名手却使真书变了种风味。行草书家,特别是草书家亦渐由步伍大小王,而趋于飞动纵逸。唐代各体书法风格的总特点是讲求法度又颇具力量之美,但亦不失风韵。这一时代新风格的形式,在初唐尚处于渐变中,至盛、中唐之际,光是从草书领域中出现新风。随后真行诸体亦别开生面。 In the history of Chinese calligraphy, the Tang Dynasty was another peak after the Jin Dynasty. At this time in the real, line, grass, seal, scribes and other books have appeared in many famous, especially the influence of real books and cursive. The early Tang Dynasty, developed to Europe Chu Yanliu, calligraphy concept (history) gradually changed, but most of the real book artist born in Wang Xizhi, but also inherits the ink and the tablet since the Wei and Jin Dynasties double tradition, gradually from Xiao Ingenious Wang school books come to the fore, the style transferred to rigorous and vigorous, lawful. The two kings of the book is a regular script and take the line, the grass means, while the Tang Dynasty between the Yan Liu Kai scriptures actually made the real book changed the flavor. Cursory cursors, especially cursive cursors, are gradually evolving from king size to king size and tend to fly freely. The general characteristics of each calligraphy style in the Tang Dynasty is to emphasize the beauty of the force and strength, but without losing charm. The new style of this era, in the early Tang Dynasty is still in a gradual change, to Sheng, the occasion of the Middle Tang Dynasty, just from the cursive in the field of fresh air. Followed by the various bodies also do not bother.
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