恶性淋巴瘤的分型及治疗,国内、外已有不少报道,而对皮肤淋巴瘤的研究甚少,1969~1980年间我科共收治3例皮肤淋巴瘤——蕈样肉芽肿病,报告如下: 例1 ×××,男性,24岁,陕西籍,学生。因全身淋巴结肿大,皮肤反复出现暗红色,扁平斑块损害1年余住院体查:一般情况好,两下肢小腿内侧有指头大,暗红色,扁平斑块,有指搔痕,全身有黄豆大至核桃大之淋巴结肿大,中等硬,无压痛;心肺无特殊,
Malignant lymphoma type and treatment, both at home and abroad have been reported, and little research on cutaneous lymphoma, 1969 ~ 1980, our department received a total of 3 cases of cutaneous lymphoma - mycosis fungoides disease report As follows: Example 1 × × ×, male, 24 years old, Shaanxi nationality, student. Due to systemic lymphadenopathy, the skin appears repeatedly dark red, flat plaque damage more than 1 year Hospital stay: good condition, the lower extremity calf medial finger big, dark red, flat plaque, finger scratches, the body has soybeans Large walnut large lymph nodes, medium hard, no tenderness; no special cardiopulmonary,