钙化上皮瘤系单发性肿瘤,质地坚硬,多见于面部及上肢,生长缓慢,恶性者罕见。本院近期发现一例,报告如下: 患者王××,男,15岁,学生。于1976年春在右上臂三角肌外缘常规皮内接种卡介苗。月余后,居部出现脓胞,持续十余天破溃,流出脓样分泌物。两月左右,破口愈合,但局部逐渐隆起如花生米大肿物,未作处理。半年后形成杏大椭圆形赘生物,微痒无痛感。于1979年2月14日住本院外科。
Calcified epithelial tumors are single tumors with a hard texture. They are mostly found on the face and upper limbs. They grow slowly and are rare. A case was recently discovered in this hospital and the report was as follows: Patient Wang ××, male, 15 years old, student. In the spring of 1976, BCG was routinely inoculated on the outer edge of the right upper deltoid muscle. More than a month later, there were pustules in the homes, which continued to burst for more than ten days and flowed out of pus-like secretions. About two months later, the wound healed, but some parts of it rose gradually, such as peanuts, without treatment. Six months later, the apricot oval-shaped vegetation was formed, and the itch was painless. He was admitted to the hospital on February 14, 1979.