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中国股市从去年4季度以来,可谓是火、火、火,沪A股从2000点左右一口气直冲5000点。股市的涨跌,不仅改变着资金的流向,也悄然改变着许多人的日常生活。据新浪财经在网上的调查显示,有30.2%的股民每天不交易就不舒服;有67.5%的股民无时无刻不心痒痒要查股价;有36.5%的网友连吃饭也要把握时间看股票;有40%的网友曾因炒股身家暴涨很high;有28%的网友做梦都梦到自己股票暴涨或暴跌;有16%的网友认为炒股比天大,因此不工作。甚至还有许多股民表示,根本不 China’s stock market since the fourth quarter of last year, can be described as fire, fire, fire, Shanghai A shares straight from 5000 points straight 5000 points. The ups and downs of the stock market not only change the flow of funds, but also quietly change many people’s daily lives. According to Sina Finance’s online survey shows that 30.2% of the investors do not trade every day uncomfortable; 67.5% of the shareholders all the time itching to check the stock price; 36.5% of users even have time to eat have time to watch the stock; 40 % Of users have skyrocketed because of speculators is very high; 28% of users have dreamed of their stock plummeted or plummeted; 16% of users believe that speculation than the sky, it does not work. There are even many shareholders that do not at all