OBJECTIVE: To determine the change of root surface temperature during root filling of Trifecta hot tooth gel root canal filling system. Methods: Twenty-six incisors of the maxillary and mandibular single-root canal extracted from periodontitis were selected and root canal filled with Tri-fecta technique. An infrared imager was used to track and monitor changes in root surface temperature throughout the root filling. RESULTS: Root root surface temperature increased by 6.6 ℃ on average after rooting than that before rooting, and average central mandibular incisors increased by 8.0 ℃, which were all lower than the theoretical threshold temperature of 10 ℃ which caused peripheral tissue damage. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that root-filling of Trifecta hot dentin can cause elevated root and root temperatures of the mandibular incisors without damaging the periodontal and surrounding tissues.