
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:outong
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目的:在岗前培训中向新员工传承医院文化,目的是让新员工认同医院文化,改变与医院文化不相适应的个人作风与态度,使其更快地融入医院文化。方法:在岗前培训中向新员工传承医院精神文化、制度文化、物质文化,开展员工价值取向培训,引导新员工塑造医院的核心价值观。结果:可以对新员工起到导向、凝聚、激励和约束的作用,同时,也让新员工产生自豪感和归属感,激发出积极性,而且有利于培育忠诚的员工。结论:在岗前培训中传承医院文化,可以让新员工明确价值取向,树立统一正确的医院的核心价值观,能够培养造就具有医院精神的新员工,从而迅速转变角色,适应新岗位。 OBJECTIVE: To pass on the hospital culture to new employees in pre-service training so as to enable new employees to identify with the hospital culture and to change their personal styles and attitudes that are incompatible with the hospital culture so as to integrate them into the hospital culture more quickly. Methods: In the pre-job training, the new staffs were passed on to the new employees for spiritual culture, institutional culture and material culture, and employees’ value orientation training was conducted to guide new employees in shaping the hospital’s core values. Outcome: New employees can be guided, cohesive, motivated and constrained, while giving new employees a sense of pride and belonging, stimulating enthusiasm, and fostering loyal employees. Conclusion: Inheriting the hospital culture in pre-job training can help new employees clarify the value orientation, establish a unified and correct core values ​​of the hospital, and cultivate new staff with hospital spirit to rapidly change their roles and adapt to new posts.
济南昊月吸水材料有限公司是中新合资企业,成立于2005年。公司拥有自主知识产权,2007年11月获得了国家发明专利证书,专利号为ZL 2005 1 0043834.1。公司技术研发部根据这一
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朋友给我讲了个故事。当时,他在杭州一家媒体工作,跑的是经济线。那时阿里巴巴刚起步,他经常与马云碰面。马云对他说,要搞个陌生人之间可以实现付款的项目。他觉得这是个玩笑一樣的项目。但后来,我们知道,这个项目叫支付宝。现在,我的这位朋友仍然做媒体——但他再没有机会和马云碰面了。  1968年墨西哥奥运会,跳高运动员福斯贝里第一次在全世界面前施展背越式跳法。当时,跳高运动流行的是跨越式和俯卧式。他背越式的
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An efficient and practical radical chain deoxygenation method by phosphorus centered radicals generated from hypophosphorous acid was developed in the synthesi