.幽默故事长廊.Jack’s Tea Strainer(等10则)

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  Jack’s Tea Strainer
  Jack made lunch for his mother. When his mother returned with a friend, she saw that Jack had already strained the tea. The two women then drank their tea happily while having lunch.
  “Did you have any trouble finding the tea strainer?” Jack’s mother asked.
  “I couldn’t find it, Mum, so I used the fly swatter(苍蝇拍),” he said.
  His mother nearly fainted(晕倒), so Jack quickly added, “Don’t worry, Mum, I used the old one!”
  ★莉 莉
  What is
   Jack’s tea
  A Big Head
  Son: All the kids make fun of me. They say I have a big head.
  Dad: Don’t care. You have a beautiful head. Now stop crying and go to the store for ten pounds of potatoes.
  Son: Where is the shopping bag?
  Dad: I don’t have one, but you can use your hat.
  What does the dad think of his son’s head?
  A Clever Dog
  A dog owner claimed that his pet, when given money, would go to the news stall to buy a paper. His friend insisted on a demonstration(示范) and handed the dog some money.
   The dog trotted off, but an hour later he had still not
  returned with the paper.
  “How much did you give him?” asked the owner. “Five dollars.” “Well, that explains
  it. When you give him five dollars, he goes to a movie.”
  ★胡 红
  Why did his
  friend insist on a
  I Thought You Were Out
  Mum: Horace, why are you crying?
  Horace: I’ve hurt my finger, Mum.
  Mum: When did you do that?
  Horace: Half an hour ago.
  Mum: I didn’t hear you crying then.
  Horace: No, I thought you were out.
  Why is Horace crying?
  Nest and Hair
  My sister, a primary school teacher, was informed by one of her pupils(一个学生告诉她) that a bird had built its nest in the tree outside the classroom.
  “What kind of bird?” my sister asked.
  “I didn’t see the bird, ma’ am, only the nest,” replied the child.
  “Then, can you give us a description(描述) of the nest?” my sister encouraged her.
  “Well, ma’am, it just
  resembles(相像) your
  hair.”★徐 野
  The child knew how to describe a thing.( )
  The Umbrella
  雨 伞
  Sam: Look! I have not forgotten to bring my umbrella home with me this time.
  Mum: But you didn’t take it with you when you left home!
  Whose umbrella did Sam bring home?
  I Eat Nothing
  Mrs Brown is very fat. “Don’t eat meat or cakes,” her doctor says to her husband. “I’m going to stop her eating them, doctor,” her husband says.
  The next morning, Mrs Brown makes a nice cake, and her husband eats half of it. After he goes out, Mrs Brown cuts a very small piece of the cake and eats it. It is very good. She cuts a bigger piece and eats it. In a few minutes she finishes the cake. “My husband is going to be very angry,” she says. “What am I going to do?”
  She makes another cake very quickly, eats half of that, and leaves half on the table.
  Her husband comes back later. He sees the half of the cake on the table and he is very happy.
  ★昌 兰
  Why is Mr Brown very happy when he sees the half of the cake on the table?
  Who Knows?
  Mum:You never saw my hands as dirty as that,did you?
  Helen:I never saw you when you were a little girl.
  Is Helen clever or stupid?
  Talking in His Sleep
  Mr Green always talks in his sleep. One morning the Greens(格林夫妇) get up. Mr Green sits at the table, his wife, Mrs Green asks him, “Why do you always talk in your sleep?”
  Mr Green says,“Because I have little chance to talk in the day-time.”The next morning their children all go to school. Mrs Green asks her husband angrily, “Wait a moment! Why did you scold(责骂) me in your sleep last night?”
  “Because I don’t have the courage(勇气) to do it when I’m awake,” says Mr Green.
  ★徐 野
  Why does Mr Green talk in his sleep?
  Why Are They Running?
  Peter: Why are they running, Rose?
  Rose: Because the boy who comes first will get a prize.
  Peter: Now I see. But why is the second boy running?
  Rose: I don’t know.
  Does Peter know why they are running?
相关链接  http://comm.dangdang.com/reviewlist  http://www.douban.com/review/1982034    亲爱的同学,在这个生机盎然的季节里,请跟随一位美丽的老师,走进她笔下可爱的校园——类思小学。校园里有一位年轻帅气阳光的男老师——苗绿鸣,同学们亲切地给他取了个外号叫绿绿;有一位聪明调皮可爱的男学生——麻战战,大家都叫他的外号小蚂蚱。 
在生活中我们经常看到英文字母R,但是意义却各不相同呢,大家看看:    处方笺上的“R”:  在医院的处方上印有一个大写字母“R”, 意思是“取下列药品”。  图书统一书号上的“R”:  有的图书统一书号后面印有一个“R”和两组数字,这里的“R”表示该书是少年儿童读物。  商标上的“R”:  我们经常看到在商品包装的一角印有一个“ R ”标记,它表示这些商品的商标是经过注册的(“Rigister”
还有半个小时就要去上课了,我倚在门框上,望着爸爸,心里有一种兴奋的紧张,因为周末老师布置了一项特别的作业——对父母说一声“我爱你”。这是我从小到大一直藏在心里的话,但讲出口就难了——我实在害羞!虽然我上午就有时间完成这项“作业”,但由于胆怯,我一直没有动口,现在我必须马上说了。  “爸爸……”我小声叫道。“嗯?”爸爸正忙着刮胡子,头也不回地应了一声。不知怎么的,那句我偷偷排练了不下十遍的“我爱你”
去年暑假,叔叔家要拆迁,便把他家的狗——“狮子”寄养在我家。  记得那天天气很热,叔叔刚把“狮子”抱下车,我便忙跑过去看。哇!好大的一只狗呀!只见它一身土黄色的毛,一对机灵的眼睛正四处张望,嘴巴里喘着粗气,血红的舌头吐在外面散热呢!那样子,真像一头狮子!  起先,“狮子”对我比较陌生。我一靠近它,它就蜷缩在墙角,浑身发抖。有一天,我正在吃鸡腿,“狮子”远远地望着我,我便将吃了一半的鸡腿扔过去,“狮
徐文长是明代杰出书画家、文学家。  一天,徐文长到一个学馆去讲学,许多年轻人聚在一座大客厅里,静听他的教诲。他勉励年轻人要珍惜大好时光,勤奋读书。  这时学馆主人捧出笔墨,请徐文长为学馆写副对联。徐文长兴趣正浓,他挥笔写出上联:“好读书,不好读书。”  在场的人看了,都不明白这副对联的含意,一个个默不作声,也不好意思追问徐文长。  大家看后,面面相觑,不解其意,等待着下联。只见徐文长将笔蘸饱,将下
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·英语学习小讲座之十九·    与任何学科知识的学习一样,英语学习也需要记忆和背诵。但是,如果总是机械记忆、背诵,英语语言是学不好的。  我们倡导必须整体学习英语语言,实际上就是要求在具体的语境中整体学习英语语言,而不是孤立地、机械地学习英语语言。这是因为:  一、确定单词意义要结合具体语境  离开了具体的语境,孤立的单词是没有确定的意义的。例如:  A: Dad. 爸爸。  B: Dad? 爸爸
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