
来源 :中外文化与文论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rr2009
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由于得天独厚的地理与环境因素,巴蜀文化在原生之际就是一个善于容纳和集结的开放性体系,无论是距今约4500年的宝墩文化,还是享誉海外的三星堆文化和金沙文化,都验证了巴蜀文明的古老历史。巴蜀地区偏居一隅,山水、美食、清茶等要素构成了独有的巴蜀文化特征,并深刻影响着巴蜀文学的滥觞与繁盛,造就了司马相如、扬雄、李白、三苏、郭沫若、巴金等文坛巨匠。除了区域性的巴蜀文化外,蕴藏于中国原典中的中华文化更是民族的宝贵财富,为后世的文化发展提供了精神力量。在当前的全球化语境中,利用文化遗产提升文化认同意识,是文化发展战略的重要步骤,也是增强国家文化软实力的关键所在。 Because of its unique geographical and environmental factors, Bashu culture was originally an open system that was good for accommodation and assembly. Both the Pudong culture dating from about 4500 BC and the Sanxingdui culture and the Sands culture overseas have proven their worth Ancient history of Bashu civilization. The Bashu area has its own unique features of the Bashu culture such as landscape, food and tea. It also profoundly affects the origins and prosperity of the Bashu literature. It has created Simaxiangru, Yangxiong, Li Bai, the Three Ssusu, Guo Moruo and Ba Jin And other literary masters. Apart from the regional Bashu culture, the Chinese culture contained in the Chinese original texts is even more valuable to the nation and provides the spiritual force for the later cultural development. In the current context of globalization, using cultural heritage to raise awareness of cultural identity is an important step in cultural development strategies and also the key to enhancing the country’s cultural soft power.