First, the preamble In the calibration thermocouple, first of all required to verify the furnace temperature is very stable, and secondly, hope turtle furnace heating fast, in order to improve work efficiency. The author in 1985 developed a thermocouple automatic calibration device using a single board machine, on the one hand to achieve a high-precision data acquisition, on the other hand also ideal to achieve the above temperature control requirements. By the industrial thermocouple verification procedures, the common working temperature of the verification electric furnace is 300 ~ 1000 ℃, the temperature deviation from the verification point can be grasped by the soil 5 ℃, while the temperature stability requires a higher, not less than 0.5 ℃ / 5 minutes. In order to reduce the heating time, it is proposed to use the best time (Bang-Bang) control. In small deviations switch to PID regulation, the block diagram shown in Figure 1, in which the P, 1 parameters are variable.