Topological structure and stability of a slender cross flow is discussed by the stability theory of dynamic system. The inner boundary of flow field was limiting streamline and it was proved that the topological structure connected saddles by limiting streamline is stable. It is proved that the development of slender vortices leads to the change of topological structure about cross flow. And it is the change from stable and symmetrical vortices flow pattern to unstable and symmetrical vortices flow pattern, and then to stable and asymmetrical vortices flow pattern due to little disturbance which leads to the development of asymmetrical slender vortices. The influence of disturbance to flowfield structure was discussed by unfolding theory too.
Topological structure and stability of a slender cross flow is discussed by the stability theory of dynamic system. The inner boundary of flow field was limiting streamline and it was verified that the topological structure connected saddles by limiting streamline is stable. It is proved that the development of slender vortices leads to the change of topological structure about cross flow. And it is the change from stable and symmetrical vortices flow pattern to unstable and symmetrical vortices flow pattern, and then to stable and asymmetrical vortices flow pattern due to little disturbance which leads to the development of asymmetrical slender vortices. The influence of disturbance to flowfield structure was discussed by unfolding theory too.