At the time of promoting Putonghua, it is really gratifying for the Education and Culture Press to publish this “phonetic common sense.” Books like this, the more common spoken common sense, are scarce now. Therefore, I would like to comment on this book. I realized that this book is based on “Mandarin pronunciation teaching ” as the center to write. In a nutshell, the book consists of three modules: one is the basic knowledge of speech (Chapters 1 through 5), the second is Putonghua (Chapters 6 through 9), and the third is the phonetic correspondence between Putonghua and dialect Relationships (Chapters 10 through 13, plus “Appendices”). Together, these three modules serve Mandarin language teaching for this purpose. Now I would like to introduce the importance of the first and third two units of this book first, then talk about the international phonetic transcription, tone and Mandarin and dialect in voice