Whole Cag A Gene Amplification of Helicobacter pylori and Its Fingerprinting by Restriction Fragment

来源 :华中科技大学学报(医学英德文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MHSLOVE
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To setup a method of amplification for the whole Cag A gene of H elicobacter pylori and its fingerprinting by restriction fragm entlength polym orphism(RFL P) ,nested PCR was employed in com bination with TD- PCR to am plify the gene and Eco RΙ and Hind were used to generate the RFL P fingerprinting.Target DNA fragm ents from 13of2 0 samples were successfully amplified and the relevant RFL P fingerprintings were obtained.It is concluded thatthe m ethod can be used to amplify the whole Cag A gene and Cag A gene has apparent diversity of RFL P profile. To setup a method of amplification for the whole Cag A gene of H elicobacter pylori and its fingerprinting by restriction fragm ent length polym orphism (RFL P), nested PCR was employed in com bination with TD-PCR to am plify the gene and Eco R I and Hind were used to generate the RFL P fingerprinting. DNA fragmnts from 13 of 20 samples were successfully amplified and the relevant RFL P fingerprintings were obtained. It is concluded that the m ethod can be used to amplify the whole Cag A gene and Cag A gene has apparent diversity of RFL P profile.
1邓小平经济理论研究  2我国政府职能转换研究  3完善社会主义市场经济体制问题研究  4经济体制比较研究  5中国加入WTO的经济对策研究  6我国就业、收入分配与社会保
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