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本文认为,以信息技术为主要标志的科技进步是知识经济的重要特征,社会—经济的信息化成为知识经济发展的原动力,以信息知识为核心的科技知识的创新与积累促进经济增长方式发生质的变化,全球信息产业的发展正在使产业结构和分工出现新的组合。上海图书馆、上海科技情报研究所的目标定位、层次定位和功能定位与知识经济的全球化、网络化、增值化特征密切相关。对于知识经济的信息化特征与“上海重要信息枢纽”的逻辑起点的内在联系的深刻揭示,有利于我们更为有效地促进图情一体化的信息研究和开发。我们理应瞄准信息研究的时代制高点,建构“资料库—信息库—思想库”的复合发展模式,推进数字化图书馆的信息基础工作,以知识经济的“信息动力”全面带动图情一体化的信息研究和开发。 This paper argues that the progress of science and technology, which is marked by information technology, is an important feature of knowledge economy. The socio-economic informatization becomes the driving force for the development of knowledge-based economy. The innovation and accumulation of scientific and technological knowledge with information knowledge as the core promotes the growth of economic growth mode The global information industry is making a new combination of industrial structure and division of labor. Shanghai Library, Shanghai Institute of Scientific and Technological Information target positioning, hierarchical positioning and functional positioning and knowledge-based economy globalization, networking, value-added features are closely related. The deep revelation of the intrinsic relationship between the informative characteristics of knowledge economy and the logical starting point of “Shanghai’s key information hub” will help us to promote the research and development of information integration more effectively. We should aim at the commanding height of information research, construct the compound development model of “database - information base - think tank”, promote the information foundation of digital library, and fully promote the integration of pictorial information with the “information power” of knowledge economy Research and Development.
目的 :探讨绝经后出血的病因和病理变化。方法 :对 2 94例绝经后出血患者进行回顾性分析。结果 :因非器质性疾病引起的绝经后出血占 5 0 7% ,良性疾病占 30 3% ,恶性疾病占
产后尿潴留为产妇分娩后常见病症 ,给产妇带来不少的痛苦 ,导尿是常用的治疗措施 ,但易引起泌尿系统感染。我院自 1 995年以来采用直肠内注入开塞露治疗产后尿潴留 50例 ,取
1临床资料患者,29岁,主因停经8W,下腹痛伴不规则阴道出血半月于1999年4月6日入院。平素月经规律,15岁初潮,行经5d~7d,周期35d~45d,孕6产5存1,人工流产1次。末次生产1998年3月12日,剖宫产一男活婴,其余4次分娩均系畸形,于19? 1 c
Response surface methodology(RSM) employing 5-level Box-Behnken design was used to optimize the biosorption of cerium(Ⅲ) onto biowaste materials of animal and
A novel hydrophilic nanocomposite additive(TiO2-g-PNIPAAm) was synthesized by the surface modification of titanium dioxide(TiO2) with N-isopropylacrylamide(NIPA
绝经后出血是指自然闭经1年以上的妇女出现阴道流血。绝经后出血的原因很多 ,是现代绝经期医学研究的重点。为探讨绝经后出现的病因 ,本文对我院313例绝经后出血的病理检查进行了