以 10 %PEG处理 4 8h为对照 ,在胁迫期间外加不同浓度 0 .1%、0 .5%、1.0 %旱地宝对小麦幼苗叶片的膜损伤无保护作用 ,而且有加重膜损伤的趋势。抗旱性强的小麦品种膜损伤的程度小于抗旱性较弱的品种
When treated with 10% PEG for 48 h, there was no protective effect on the membrane damage of wheat seedling leaves with different concentrations of 0.1%, 0.5% and 1.0%. The degree of membrane damage of the wheat varieties with more drought resistance was less than that of the ones with the less drought resistance