
来源 :高科技纤维与应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuguiyuan2009
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主要介绍了近期我国碳纤维工业的发展现状,表明我国的碳纤维工业已驶入发展的快车道,碳纤维质量不断提高,产业化全面铺开,呈现突破性进展,处于历史最好时期;同时应看到仍存在许多技术难题亟需解决,指出提高品质、扩大品种和创立品牌,重视应用基础的研究和专用设备的研制,是当前乃至今后一段时期的主要任务。 This paper introduces the recent development of China’s carbon fiber industry, indicating that China’s carbon fiber industry has entered a fast lane of development, carbon fiber quality continues to improve, fully rolled out industrialization, showing a breakthrough in progress, in the best historical period; should also see There are still many technical problems to be solved urgently. He pointed out that it is a major task now and for some time to come to improve quality, expand varieties and establish a brand, and attach importance to the application of basic research and development of special equipment.
股骨头缺血性坏死(svascular necrosis of the femoral head,ANFH)是由于多种病因破坏股骨头血供使骨的活性成分(包括骨细胞、骨髓造血细胞和脂肪细胞)死亡的一种病理过程.分
位于日本大阪市中央区的Ni帝人商事株式会社,于2011年3月22日至25日在新加坡举行的“IFAI EXPO Asia 2011”展览会上参展。