
来源 :政府法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqsuifeng
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姚广孝(1334—1418年),长州人。他本是医家子弟,少年时家境贫寒,又赶上元末动乱,早早地丧失了父母,后被好心的和尚引进山门,剃度为僧,法名道衍,字斯道。他天资聪颖,善写诗词,更具阴阳术数之学,常与闻名当朝的诗人、文学家王宾、高启、杨孟载、宁濂、苏伯衡等相交往。他心怀大志,对朝廷授予的小官职不屑一顾,不动声色地等待着实现其政治抱负时机的到来。 Yao Guangxiao (1334 - 1418), Changzhou people. He was originally a medical child. When his childhood was in a poor condition, he also caught up with the unrest in the late Yuan Dynasty and lost his parents early. After being well-intentioned, the monk introduced the mountain gate and drank as a monk. He is very talented, good at writing poetry, more yin and yang surgery, often with the famous poets, writers Wang Bin, Gao Qi, Yang Mengzai, Ning Zhi, Su Boheng and other exchanges. He was ambitious and disdainful of the small office granted to the court, quietly awaiting the arrival of his political aspirations.