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2000年7月14日,对于大名鼎鼎的万宝路、骆驼等香烟的生产商菲利普·莫里斯、雷诺兹及其他3家草公司来说,是一个黑包的星期五。 经过两年多的审理,引人注目的美国首宗烟者集体控告烟草公司的官司终于有了结果。根据六人陪审团的决定,美国佛罗里达州迈阿密—戴德县巡回法庭法官罗伯特·凯判决:美国五大烟草业巨头儿要给予吸烟者近1450亿美元的惩 On July 14, 2000, for a black-billed Friday for Philip Morris, Reynolds and three other grass-roots companies, including the famous Marlboro, camels and other cigarette manufacturers. After more than two years of trial, the first case of the first US tobacco company to sue the tobacco company was finally brought to an end. According to a six-member jury’s decision, Judge Robert Kaye, Circuit Court Judge of the Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States, ruled that the top five tobacco industry giants in the United States are to give smokers nearly $ 145 billion