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董明珠个人入股珠海银隆一事被外界推至风口浪尖,有关她的传闻不断,关于“创始人”和“野蛮人”之争也被拉上台面。近日,董明珠个人入股珠海银隆一事被外界推至风口浪尖,有关她的传闻不断,关于“创始人”和“野蛮人”之争也被拉上台面。互联网加速了信息的流动,也使得技术网络、组织网络和社会网络深度融合,催生了互联网金融等新兴商业业态。这种全新的商业模式特征使传统公司治理范式在互联网时代面临巨大挑战。传统的公司治理政策制定的现实出发点是保护中小投资者的利益。在Berle和Means范式下,公司治理面临的主要问题是经理人与投资者之间的信息不对称和融资合约的不完全问题。而资本的责任能力使得投资者在解决上述问题中处于主导地位。 Dong Mingzhu’s personal stake in Zhuhai Yinlong was pushed to the cusp of the outside world. Concerns about her continued rumors that the “founder” and “barbarian” disputes were also brought to the table. Recently, Dong Mingzhu’s personal stake in Zhuhai Yinlong was pushed to the cusp of the outside world. Concerns about her continued rumors that the “founder” and the “barbarians” were also brought to the table. The Internet has accelerated the flow of information and has enabled the deep integration of technology networks, organization networks, and social networks. This has given rise to emerging business models such as Internet finance. This new business model feature makes traditional corporate governance paradigms face enormous challenges in the Internet era. The realistic starting point of traditional corporate governance policy formulation is to protect the interests of small and medium investors. Under the Berle and Means paradigm, the main problems facing corporate governance are the information asymmetry between managers and investors and the incompleteness of financing contracts. The ability of capital responsibility makes investors dominant in solving the above problems.