一、鸣枪后不能迅速蹬离起跑器 (一)产生原因 1.预备姿势不正确。 2.起动动作差。 3.腿部爆发力差。 (二)纠正方法 1.调整好起跑器的位置。一般是前起跑器在起跑线后一脚半,后起跑器距前起跑器一脚半,安装时要根据个人的身高、体型、技术、训练程度等特点来适当调整。 2.预备时臀部抬起不要过高或过低、身体重心前移要适宜,两脚贴紧起跑器的足氐趾板。 3.预备后精力要集中到起跑时的某一个动作上,听到枪声后两脚要同时快速用力蹬伸。像压紧后的弹簧一样弹离起跑器,两臂与两腿配合快速有力的前后摆动。
First, the gun can not be quickly kicked off the starter (A) causes 1. Preparatory position is not correct. 2 start moving poor. 3. Poor leg power. (B) to correct the method 1. Adjust the starting position. Generally before the start line in the starting line after the foot one and a half, starting from the starting block after the starting foot kick half, when installed according to personal height, size, technology, training and other characteristics to adjust. 2. Preparation of the buttocks lift up not too high or too low, the body center of gravity forward should be appropriate, feet close to the starting foot parade toe board. After the preparation of energy to focus on a certain action at the start, heard the gunshots after two feet at the same time rapid force Kengzhang. Like the spring after the spring off from the starter, arms and legs with fast and powerful before and after the swing.