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在制订经营战略的全过程中,要处理好局部与全局、当前与长远、产出与投入的关系。确定这些方面的正确关系也就是制订经营战略的原则。跨国公司面对风云变幻的国际市场,受到多方因素制约。因此,制订经营战略要有全球意识,做好总体设计,统帅全局的发展,谋求全局的主动。全局是由局部组成的。全局制约局部。局部又影响全局。为了保证全局,要牢牢抓住对全局有决定意义的局部,通过保局部或舍局部来保全局。譬如,某跨国公司在国外设了若干驻外机构,几年后,一部分赚了大钱,另一部分则形成了巨额亏损。若把赚的钱全部调回,抵销亏损还有节余。在驻外机构利润上交问题上产生了两种对立的观点:一种认为赚钱的应全部上交,以保护全局;另一种观点认为赚钱的应全部留下,加快产出,更好地保护全 In the entire process of formulating the business strategy, we must deal with the relationship between local and global, current and long-term, output and input. Determining the correct relationship in these areas is also the principle of formulating a business strategy. Transnational corporations face the ever-changing international market and are constrained by many factors. Therefore, the development of business strategy must have global awareness, do a good job of overall design, command the overall development, and seek the initiative of the overall situation. The global is made up of parts. Global constraints local. Locality affects the overall situation. In order to ensure the overall situation, it is necessary to firmly grasp the parts that are decisive for the overall situation, and ensure the overall situation by ensuring partial or partial localization. For example, a multinational company has set up a number of overseas agencies abroad. A few years later, some of them made a lot of money, and the other part made a huge loss. If all the money earned is returned, there will be savings to offset the losses. Two opposing views have emerged on the issue of the turnover of overseas institutions: one thinks that all the money should be turned in to protect the overall situation; the other view is that all the money should be left to speed up the output and better Protection
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