RAR receptor-selective retinoic acid and RXR receptor selective retinoic acid treatment of breast cancer cells, the results show that RAR receptor selective retinoic acid can effectively inhibit hormone-dependent breast cancer cell growth, and RXR by Body-selective retinoic acid effectively inhibits the growth of hormone-independent breast cancer cells. The effect of retinoic acid was mainly mediated by its receptors RARs and RXRs. Northern blotting indicated that RARα and RARβ may be involved in the mediation of retinoic acid. Further experiments showed that transfection of RARa gene could be used in hormone-independent RARβ is highly expressed in breast cancer cells and RA-resistant cells become RA-sensitive cells. Therefore, retinoic acid-induced RARβ expression is closely related to its inhibition of breast cancer cell growth.