认真总结反思 实现奶业健康发展

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在三鹿奶粉及三聚氰胺事件的直接影响下,在国际金融危机的大背景下,奶业市场面临比较严峻的形势,既面临很多困难,也面临一些深刻调整,对全行业来说,这个冬天比较冷。如何进行深刻反思,主动抓住机遇,积极迎接挑战,是全行业必须认真总结和反思的大课题。 Under the direct impact of the Sanlu milk powder and melamine incident, under the background of the international financial crisis, the dairy market is facing a relatively harsh situation. It faces many difficulties as well as some profound adjustments. For the entire industry, this winter comparison cold. How to conduct a profound reflection, take the initiative to seize the opportunity and actively meet the challenges is the industry’s major issues that must be seriously summarized and reflected.