药品生产企业的质检科,担负着执行《药品管理法》,严格按照二级标准要求,在药品生产环节上认真把好药品质量关的艰巨任务。质检科职能作用发挥得好坏,是直接关系到药品质量和广大人民群众用药安全有效的大事。 然而,药品生产企业的质检科在工作中还存在着许多困难和问题,直接影响药品质量的提高。据调查,不少质检科存在着以下几方面问题。第一,部分企业负责人片面追求产量,忽视产品质量,严重影响质检科职能的发挥。个别厂为完成经济指标,片面追求经济效益,
The quality inspection department of a pharmaceutical manufacturer undertakes the arduous task of implementing the “Drug Administration Law” and strictly following the requirements of the second-level standards and earnestly putting a good drug quality control on the drug production link. Quality control department functions play a good or bad, is directly related to the quality of medicines and the general public drug safety and effective event. However, there are still many difficulties and problems in the quality control department of drug manufacturers that directly affect the quality of medicines. According to the survey, many quality control departments have the following problems. First, the heads of some enterprises unilaterally pursue production and neglect product quality, which seriously affects the performance of quality inspection departments. Individual factories to complete the economic indicators, one-sided pursuit of economic efficiency,