报告主要内容有两大部分:一是我国石材矿山建设情况和成绩;二是我国石材矿山建设以及管理中的问题以及协会今后工作意见。 一、我国石材工业在党的各项方针政策的指引下,取得了显著成就。特别是改革开放以来,促进石材工业高速度发展,实现了我国石材工业的第一次飞跃,进入世界石材大国行列的奋斗目标。据统计,到95年全国荒料产量达到近400万立方米,70%以上是花岗石荒料。大理石、花岗石、水磨石(三石)板材产量总计达到9500万平方米。95年各种石材出口创汇达到6.5亿美元。我国石材产量和出口量居世界第二位。从而为我国石材工业实现第二次飞跃,由石材大国变为世界石材强国奠定了基础。
The main contents of the report consist of two parts: First, the construction and achievements of stone mines in China; second, the problems in the construction and management of stone mines in China and the future work opinions of the association. First, China’s stone industry has achieved remarkable achievements under the guidance of the party’s various principles and policies. In particular, since the reform and opening up, it has promoted the high-speed development of the stone industry, achieved the first leap in the stone industry in China, and entered the ranks of the world’s major stone powers. According to statistics, by the end of 1995, the output of block materials nationwide reached nearly 4 million cubic meters, and 70% of it is granite blocks. The production of marble, granite, and terrazzo (Sanshi) sheets totaled 95 million square meters. In 1995, the export value of various stone products reached 650 million U.S. dollars. China’s stone production and export volume ranks second in the world. In order to achieve the second leap for China’s stone industry, it has laid the foundation for the transformation from a large stone country to a world stone power.