我在班主任工作中,始终注意抓音体美教育。从小学一年级开始,我就有意识地培养儿童多方面的兴趣和爱好,学生学得主动,班级面貌活跃,学生各科学习成绩一直保持在学校同年级的前列。 进入四、五年级以后,功课重了,升学迫近了,参加文体活动和学习功课的矛盾开始突出起来。学生担心影响成绩,科任老师担心妨碍教学,家长担心孩子考不取中学。作为班主任,我在思想上也产生了矛盾,抓音体美这一手,到底该不该放松一点?我从以下几个方面反复进行了思考。
In my class teacher's work, I always pay attention to the beauty of the body. From the first grade of primary school, I consciously cultivate children's interests and hobbies in many aspects. Students learn initiatively and actively in class. Students' academic achievement has always been at the forefront of the same grade in school. Into the fourth and fifth grade, homework heavy, approaching education, to participate in sports activities and learning contradictions began to highlight. Students worried about the impact of grades, subjects any teacher worried about impeding teaching, parents worried about children do not take secondary school test. As a class teacher, I also have a contradiction in ideology, grasping the beauty of this hand, in the end should not relax? I repeatedly from the following aspects of thinking.