Li Hongzhang played an important and complex role in the Sino-Japanese War. During the war he was in a crucial position to determine Qing success or defeat. This writer has thoroughly analyzed Li’s attitudes and behavior toward Japan bcfore the war and toward the question of peace during the negotiations at Shimonoseki. He advocated a policy of appeasement on the Korea question before the war. During the war his policy of seeking peace through war became one of simply suing for peace and throtighout the peace negotiations, his efforts to avoid the carving up of China on all sides finally ended in failure.The main reason for this failure was that he and those around him did not understand Japan or the world situation. They did not pursue the war vigorously and instead placed their hopes for peace with the interference of the great powers
Li Hongzhang played an important and complex role in the Sino-Japanese War. During the war he was in a crucial position to determine Qing success or defeat. This writer has been analyzed Li’s attitudes and behavior toward Japan bcfore the war and toward the question of peace during the negotiations at Shimonoseki. He advocated a policy of appeasement on the Korea question before the war. During the war his policy of seeking peace through war became one of simply forging peace and throtighout the peace negotiations, his efforts to avoid the carving up of China on all sides finally ended in failure.The main reason for this failure was that he and those around him did not understand Japan or the world situation. They did not pursue the war vigorously and instead placed their hopes for peace with the interference of the great powers