1 .水温过高。过高的水温会影响鱼类生长 ,如青、草、鲢、鳙、鲤、鲫等鱼最适宜生长的水温为 2 3℃~2 8℃ ,罗非鱼在 2 5℃~ 35℃时生长最快。因此 ,夏季若水温超过鱼类生长适宜温度时 ,要采取降温措施。2 .恶水。水色淡红或棕红 ,水面出现浮沫或油膜 ,水发生异味、异臭时 ,
The water temperature is too high. The water temperature is too high will affect the growth of fish, such as green, grass, silver carp, bighead carp, carp, crucian carp and other fish optimum growth temperature of 23 ℃ ~ 28 ℃, tilapia at 25 ℃ ~ 35 ℃ growth Fastest. Therefore, if the water temperature in summer exceeds the optimum temperature for fish growth, cooling measures should be taken. 2 bad water. Aqua pink or reddish brown, floating foam surface or oil film, water odor occurs, the smelly,