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外来植物入侵对生物多样性和生态系统稳定性具有严重威胁,为阐明互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)在闽东滨海湿地入侵机理,分析影响互花米草表型可塑性的因素与其成功入侵之间的关系,选择闽东滨海湿地潮间带6条断面,研究不同潮位生境互花米草种群形态特征、无性繁殖特征、有性繁殖特征以及生物量积累和分配格局.结果表明,潮位梯度对互花米草形态特征和有性繁殖特征有显著性影响(P<0.05),对互花米草无性繁殖影响不显著(P>0.05);株高、茎粗、叶长等形态指标在高潮位(S6)处均显著大于其他潮位生境,但中潮位和低潮位整体上无显著差异;潮位变化对互花米草种群密度影响不显著,互花米草种群入侵速度放缓,说明尽管互花米草有性繁殖可塑性很强,但繁殖效率低下;而无性繁殖表型可塑能力差可能就是解释互花米草种群10年来在闽东滨海湿地入侵缓慢甚至趋于稳定的原因之一;潮位梯度对互花米草生物量积累有极显著影响(P<0.01),样地S6地上生物量和地下生物量均显著高于其他样地,对互花米草生物量分配有一定影响,但没达到显著性水平.总之,互花米草更适应高潮位生境,生境“觅养”能力与有性繁殖能力更强. In order to elucidate the mechanism of invasion of Spartina alterniflora in coastal wetland of eastern Fujian, the analysis of the factors that affect the phenotypic plasticity of Spartina alterniflora and its successful invasion , The 6 intertidal intertidal zones of Mindong coastal wetland were selected to study the morphological characteristics, vegetative propagation characteristics, sexual reproduction characteristics and biomass accumulation and distribution pattern of Spartina alterniflora population at different tide habitats. The morphological characteristics of Spartina alterniflora and sexual reproduction had significant effects (P <0.05), but had no significant effect on Spartina alterniflora (P> 0.05). The height, stem diameter, (S6) were significantly greater than those of other tide habitats, but there was no significant difference between the tide level and the low tide level as a whole. The tide level had no significant effect on the population density of Spartina alterniflora and the rate of invasion of Spartina alterniflora population slowed down, Spartina alterniflora sexual reproductive plasticity is strong, but the reproductive efficiency is low; and asexual reproductive phenotype poor plastic ability may be to explain the Spartina alternatus population 10 years in the Fujian coastal wetland invasion slow or even tend to (P <0.01). The above-ground biomass and underground biomass in S6 were significantly higher than those in other plots, and the Spartina alterniflora biomass The amount of allocation has a certain impact, but did not reach the level of significance.In short, Spartina alterniflora more adapted to high tide habitat, habitat “Seeking ” ability and sexual reproduction ability.
惠高教育园是由惠州市九届人大代表、惠州宏惠州市宏锋实业有限公司董事长姚梅发独资建设的。它位于惠州市惠城区马安镇广公镇广汕公路旁,占地500多亩,园 Hui Park is Huiz