【摘 要】
1 The Investment Situation of Auto Industrial Powers in China Chinese auto industry has made rapid progress after development of 50 years. However it is still
1 The Investment Situation of Auto Industrial Powers in China Chinese auto industry has made rapid progress after development of 50 years. However it is still at the infant stage. The government has to protect it by means of long-term, rigorous tariff and non-tariff devices. But the U.S., Japan and other European countries have made investment into Chinese auto industry, because it’s incontrovertible that China is the most potential market in the world.
1 The Investment Situation of Auto Industrial Powers in China Chinese auto industry has made rapid progress after 50 years. However it is still at the infant stage. The government has to protect it by means of long-term, rigorous tariff and non- But the US, Japan and other European countries have made investment into Chinese auto industry, because it’s incontrovertible that China is the most potential market in the world.
The Automotive Industry Planning. Design & Research Institute is a state A class automobile and motorcycle designing organization. It passed the ISO 9001 Quali
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昨夜雨疏风骤,浓睡不消残酒。试问卷帘人,却道海棠依旧,知否,知否,应是绿肥红瘦。 这阕词写在李清照36岁的那个春天,她沉沉地睡了一夜,又喝多了。醒时依然觉得头晕,残酒未消。可即便睡得沉,睡梦中也隐隐感觉到窗外风雨声的动静。因此睡眼微睁时,晨光跃入眼帘的一刹那,院子里几日来开得正好的那一树海棠花影同时跃入心头。于是赶忙问起窗边的丫鬟:“是不是花儿都落了啊?”那小丫鬟看主子醒了,正忙着打理窗帘往帘钩