为明确近年来新发现的严重危害桃树的桃枝枯病病原种类,采集浙江和江苏两地的桃枝枯病病枝,对病原进行分离和鉴定。通过对真菌分离物培养性状、分生孢子器和分生孢子形态观察,两地真菌分离物均为桃拟茎点霉(Phomopsis amygdali)。ITS1-5.8SrDNA-ITS2序列分析表明两地真菌分离物为同一种病原菌,与GenBank中桃拟茎点霉序列具有99%的相似性,其ITS序列已在GenBank中登录(登录号分别为JX081273和JX182974)。离体和活体致病性测定结果表明,分离菌株均能使桃健康新梢产生枝枯病症状,从接种发病部位再次分离到病原菌,完成了柯赫氏法则(Koch’postulates)验证。结合其形态特征、ITS序列和致病性测定结果,浙江和江苏桃枝枯病病原确定为桃拟茎点霉。
In order to clarify the newly discovered pathogens of peach branch blight, which were seriously endangered peach trees in recent years, we collected twigs of blight of blight in Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces and isolated and identified the pathogens. Through the observation of the fungal isolates’ traits, conidia and conidia morphology, the two fungal isolates were Phomopsis amygdali. ITS1-5.8SrDNA-ITS2 sequence analysis showed that the two fungal isolates were the same pathogen, which shared 99% similarity with the M. grisea sequence in GenBank. The ITS sequences were registered in GenBank (accession numbers JX081273 and JX182974). The results of in vitro and in vivo pathogenicity test showed that all the isolates could produce the symptoms of shoot blight on the shoots of peach, and the pathogens were isolated again from the inoculation sites. The Koch’s method was validated. According to its morphological characteristics, ITS sequences and pathogenicity test results, the pathogen of peach blight in Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces was identified as Phomopsis invicta.