
来源 :初中生之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:likunhoney
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中国文化的积淀非常深厚,无论是真情与兴会,脉注与绮交,对偶与排比,借景与伏线……,常常与数字有着深广的联系.古人留给我们丰富的文化遗产,不论是诗、词,还是曲、赋,其中的佳句名作如林。值得注意的是,许多古诗中间往往嵌镶着数字。如“三十功名尘与上,八千里路云和月”“、飞 The accumulation of Chinese culture is very profound. No matter whether it is true feelings and vicissitudes, pulse and infancy, duality and row, borrowing scenes and volt lines..., it often has deep and wide connection with numbers. Ancient people left us with rich cultural heritage, regardless of poetry. Or words, or music, Fu, one of the famous sentence works such as Lin. It is worth noting that many ancient poems are often inlaid with figures. For example, “The thirty-famous dust and the upper, eight thousand miles of road and moon” ", fly