11月的沈阳已进入隆冬季节,但23日开 幕的“大房子公共艺术展”却让人们感受到了“冬天里的一把火”。开幕式那天,点燃这把火的鲁迅美术学院雕塑系7位中外教师和22名学生都很激动和兴奋,个个说话像没鼻子一样含糊不清。因为连续一周在没有暖气的大房子里设计摆放作品
Shenyang in November has entered the winter season, but on the 23rd opening of the “grand house public art exhibition” let people feel “a fire in the winter.” On the opening day, seven Chinese and foreign teachers and 22 students of the Department of Sculpture of the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts who ignited the fire were very excited and excited. Each of them was as vague as no nose. Because for a week in a large house without heating design work