松干蚧在我省对油松、赤松林的危害日益猖獗,发生面积达一百五十余万亩,并在继续扩大蔓延,目前本溪的歪头山、石桥子,达贝沟及抚顺的松树咀等地已有该虫危害,严重地威胁着松林的安全。 在全国人民认真学习无产阶级专政理论的高潮中,在农业学大寨,普及大寨县的大好形势下,在各级党委的正确领导与关怀下,为了探索防治松干蚧的新药剂,我们与沈阳市农业局林业科、苏家屯区杨城寨大队,辽阳市林业局森保站、孤家子公社寒王大队、旅大市中山林业站,辽宁林校实习队等组成有工人、贫下中农、工农兵学员,领导干部,教师及科技人员参加的试验小组。我们结合当地的阶级斗争,生产斗争和科学实验,深入学习马列主义和毛主席著作,积极参加当地松干蚧防治工作同时结合进行了一些新药剂防治试验、超低量喷洒杀螟松油剂及杀螟松飞机喷洒试验,久效磷中间防治试验等工作,收到了一定的效果。 现将试验结果整理如下,供参考。
Pine dry scales in our province on pine trees, red pine forests increasingly rampant, the occurrence of an area of more than 1.5 million mu, and continue to expand the spread of Benxi’s Waitoushan, Shiqiaozi, dabei ditch and Fushun pine Tsui and other places have been harmful to the pest, a serious threat to the safety of pine forests. In the climax of the people of Great Britain who conscientiously study the theory of proletariat’s dictatorship under the great situation of learning Dazhai in agriculture and popularizing Dazhai County under the correct leadership and care of party committees at all levels, Yangchengzhai Brigade in Sujiatun District, Senbao Station in Liaoyang City Forestry Bureau, Hanwang Brigade in Guanyao Sub-commune, Zhongshan Forestry Station in Luda City, and the internship team in Liaoning Forestry University are composed of workers, poor and middle peasants, Workers, Peasants and soldiers, leading cadres, teachers and scientific and technological personnel to participate in the test group. Combining with the local class struggles, the struggle for production and scientific experiments, we studied in depth Marxism-Leninism and Chairman Mao’s works, took an active part in the prevention and control of the endemic diseases and scabies and carried out some new preventive and control experiments. In addition, ultra-low-dose fenitrothion oil and fenitrothion Pine aircraft spraying test, monocrotophos intermediate prevention and control work, received a certain effect. The test results are summarized below, for reference.