既然提到了龙湖,北京地产行业里又一个实力非凡者,就让我们对这个公司进行简要介绍吧!对这家公司有了更多了解之后,大家在后面的阅读中更能感受到地产巨头扎堆对潮白河别墅区的意义。龙湖地产,很多曾经跟它有过合作的或者对它有着一定了解的人士,都对这家企业赞不绝口。比如摩根士丹利的常务董事Kenny Tse,过去两年在对重庆进行深入考察和研究的时候,就是因为龙湖社区,而得出了与原来报告截然不同的结论,当描述龙湖在重庆的影响力时,Kenny Tse总结了四点第一,是龙湖多样化的高品质产品,并且为
Since we mentioned Longhu, Beijing real estate industry in another extraordinary power, let us introduce this company a brief bar! More understanding of the company, we read more later in the real estate giant feel more get together The significance of the Chaobai villa area. Long Lake real estate, many who have had with it or have some understanding of it, are full of praise for this business. For example, Kenny Tse, managing director of Morgan Stanley, who came to Shenzhen for an in-depth study and study over the past two years has drawn a completely different conclusion from the original report because of the Longhu community. When describing the influence of Longhu in Chongqing, , Kenny Tse summarizes the first four points, is Longhu diversified high-quality products, and