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民间陶瓷不仅是人民生活中不可缺少的日用品,而且也是富有审美价值的艺术品。陶器的制作,可以说是人类最早的一项手工生产劳动和艺术创作。中国目前发现的最早陶器是距今1万年左右的江西省万年县大源乡仙人洞新石器早期遗存中出土的陶器。山东省民间陶器的渊源,可以追溯到新近发现的8000年前西河新石器早期遗址,其后尚有北辛文化、大汶口文化、龙山文化和岳石文化,这些文化体系的遗址遍及山东各地。出土的陶器有红陶、黄陶、彩陶、白陶和黑陶。制作工艺从泥条盘筑、轮制而发展为模制轮修,其器形有鼎、鬶、釜、盉、豆、盘、盒、钵、罐、瓮等,其中大汶口的鸟状鬶杯、兽形陶壶和龙山文化中的蛋壳陶杯在艺术上、工艺上都已达到很高的水平,成为这一时期陶器的代表作。商周秦汉的陶器在山东各地每有出土,多为灰陶,较以往的陶器大为逊色,这是因为青铜器普遍使用的缘故。隋唐之后,山东省境 Folk ceramics are not only indispensable daily necessities in people’s lives, but also are works of art with aesthetic value. The production of pottery can be said to be the earliest man-made labor and artistic creation. The earliest pottery found in China is the earthenware unearthed from the early Neolithic remains at Xianrendong, Dayuan Township, Wannian County, Jiangxi Province, about 10,000 years ago. The origins of folk pottery in Shandong Province can be traced back to the newly discovered early sites of the Neolithic in Xihe 8000 years ago. There are also Beixin Culture, Dawenkou Culture, Longshan Culture, and Yueshi Culture. The sites of these cultural systems spread throughout Shandong Province. . Unearthed pottery includes red pottery, yellow pottery, painted pottery, white pottery and black pottery. The production process was developed from a mud plate and a wheel system to a molded wheel repair. The shape of the device includes a tripod, a plutonium, a kettle, a pot, a bean, a plate, a box, a pot, a pot, a pot, and the like. The bird of Dawinkou is shaped like a bird. The egg cup pottery cups in the cups, animal shape pots and Longshan cultures have reached a very high level in art and craftsmanship, and have become masterpieces of pottery in this period. The pottery of the Shang and Zhou dynasties were unearthed in all parts of Shandong and were mostly gray pottery, which was inferior to the pottery in the past. This was due to the widespread use of bronze ware. After Sui and Tang Dynasties, Shandong Province
目的探究中国老年瓣膜性心脏病(valvular heart disease,VHD)不同性别住院患者在疾病类型、病因分布及手术干预方面的差异。方法基于China DVD(China elDerly Valvular Disea
<正>包拯,字希仁,北宋庐州(合肥)人。生于真宗咸平二年(999 年),28岁考中进士,累官至枢密副使。他铁面无私,两袖清风。千百年来,被人民群众称为“包青天”,成为中华民族历史
<正> 我真不敢相信,坐在我面前的就是上海昆剧团近些年连续推出的那些引起轰动剧目的导演沈斌。眼前的沈斌,个子中等,稍嫌瘦削,头发短且硬,穿着随便,外表别说是导演就连一般