柳州工业的发展之路,是一条令人开思路、展视野的路。这是我们前不久到广西柳州市学习考察后的深切感受。 柳州工业的特点之一:工业销售收入增长速度超过产值增长速度,利税增长速度超过销售收入增长速度。去年,全市工业总产值达到142.2亿元,比上年增长30.8%;工业销售收入到175.8亿元,增长63.1%;实现利税22.29亿元,增长63.5%。今年上半年,工业总产值和销售收入又比去年同期分别增长23.89%和23%。
The development of Liuzhou’s industry is a road that allows people to open their minds and expand their horizons. This is a deep impression of our recent visit to Liuzhou, Guangxi. One of the characteristics of Liuzhou industry: the growth rate of industrial sales income exceeds the growth rate of output value, and the growth rate of profits and taxes exceeds the growth rate of sales revenue. Last year, the city’s total industrial output value reached 14.22 billion yuan, an increase of 30.8% over the previous year; industrial sales revenue was 17.58 billion yuan, an increase of 63.1%; and profits and taxes were 2.229 billion yuan, an increase of 63.5%. In the first half of this year, the total industrial output value and sales revenue increased by 23.89% and 23% respectively over the same period of last year.