阳春三月,一个细雨蒙蒙的日子,笔者来到了岳阳化工总厂的二号沟。 因着依山旁水的缘由,二号沟里的空气格外清新,这里,驻扎着一支150人的专职消防队,自1971年创建至今已走过了二十五年的风雨历程,他们自豪地称为“沟里人”。 最让“沟里人”引为骄傲的是那整齐划一的车库,一字排开的10多台红色消防车,还有那目前全省装备最好的“奔驰”干粉车和从西德进口的“马基洛斯”大吨位水罐车以及地们那半军事化的管理。 “心红胆壮,灭火消灾”,1992年荣获全市专业比武第一名,1993年荣获全省专职队比武擂台赛团体第三名……一面面锦旗记载着昨日的辉煌。 作为湖南省一支最大的企业消防队,他们又是如何做好防火与灭火工作的呢?而且还年年被厂里评为先进科室、先进团支部呢? 用周光甫大队长的话说,那就是加强管理,充分调动人员的积极性。首先是加强教育,充分发挥党
Spring March, a rainy day, the author came to Yueyang Chemical Plant No. 2 ditch. Due to the water of the mountainside, the air in the No.2 ditch is exceptionally fresh. Here, there is a 150-year full-time fire brigade station, which has been going through 25 years of ups and downs since its founding in 1971 and is proud of it Called “ditch people.” The most “ditch people” proud of that uniform garage, lined with more than 10 red fire engines, there is currently the province’s best equipped with “Benz” powder car and imported from West Germany The “Markey” large-tonnage tanker and its semi-militarized management. “Heart red and strong, fire and misfortune”, won the city in 1992 the first place in professional competitions, in 1993 won the province’s full-time team contest contestant team third ...... One side of the banner records yesterday’s glory. As one of the largest enterprise fire brigade in Hunan Province, how do they do a good job in fire prevention and fire fighting work? And also the factory was rated as the advanced department every year, the advanced branch branch? With the words of Captain Zhou Guangfu, that is Strengthen management, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of staff. The first is to step up education and give full play to the party