2007年11月9日来自国家信息产业部、中国信息产业商会及桂林市的相关领导,与来自政府、企业和各行业的近500位 CIO、行业专家,以及 Oracle、Intel、NOKIA、Sun、BEA、IBM、Microsoft、赛门铁克等全球知名的 IT 厂商、媒体齐聚一年一度的东软解决方案论
November 9, 2007 From the Ministry of Information Industry, China Information Industry Chamber of Commerce and Guilin relevant leaders, with nearly 500 CIOs, industry experts from the government, enterprises and various industries, as well as Oracle, Intel, NOKIA, Sun, BEA , IBM, Microsoft, Symantec and other world-renowned IT vendors, the media gathered in the annual Neusoft Solutions