【摘 要】
In August 1938, I participated in the anti-Japanese work. There is a song from the Red Army that sung among our young people: on the tower, there stood two great heroes, majestic one, Zhu De Mao Zedong ... In August 1949, I was transferred to work by Chairman Mao Zedong. When transferred to office, Fu Lianzhang said to me: ”Now there are still fewer doctors who are assigned to work near the head of the government, and you
莆阳位于闽中,人口1 719 412,累计发现麻风2812例(MB 850例,PB 1962例)。1986年4月开始用WHO MDT方案。1990年发现病人21例(MB 15例,PB 6例),近五年平均发病率0.35/10万。应
Decline of farming industry,depopulation,and increasing of the aging society are common problems which appear Japan and South Korea in these days.And green
Recently,tourism causes major impacts on urban,rural or natural geographical spaces.The present research deals with the investigation method used by GPS (Gl
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Years and regions that regime shift of winter temperature occurred in late 1980s are detected.NCEP/NCAR reanalysis winter mean temperature is used for the d
“人字拖”的童年 她从一生下来就是个典型的“小辣椒”。学会走路的时候,就知道挥着细小的手臂和小朋友争夺自己喜欢的东西。 然而,她这样“麻辣”性格的女孩,却生活在重男轻女的家庭。第一次知道男女的巨大差别是在6岁。过新年时,爸妈带着哥哥高高兴兴地去买新衣服,把她留在家里烫猪食。 她满心欢喜地等待自己的新衣服,却只见妈妈拿出哥哥去年春节时穿的旧衣服对她说,女孩子家要什么新衣服,我给你到隔壁邻居
In contemporary rural China,migrant workers in urban areas have rapidly increased with the continuous growth of the economy,especially in coastal metropolit