1986年2月3日,盛况空前的卢森堡烹饪艺术世界杯大赛闭幕了。中国队首次参加比赛就荣获了金牌奖,厨师长陈守斌也获得世界烹饪大师称号。 参加这次大赛的共有来自24个国家的77个代表队、600多名烹饪高手。大赛结束后,烹饪大师陈守斌还在卢森堡—意大利俱乐部里传播灿烂的中国饮食文化。他讲中国菜的历史渊源,讲中国菜的烹调技术,他一边讲,一边表演,信手拈来,谈笑风生。人们贪婪地听着,聚精会神,如醉如痴,不时爆发出一阵阵的掌声。
February 3, 1986, the grand occasion of the culinary World Cup in Luxembourg culmination. The Chinese team won the gold medal for the first time in the competition, and chef Chen Shoubin also won the title of Master of the World Cooking. To participate in this competition a total of 77 teams from 24 countries, more than 600 culinary masters. After the contest, cooking master Chen Shoubin is still in Luxembourg - the Italian club spread splendid Chinese food culture. He talked about the history of Chinese cuisine, cooking techniques of Chinese cuisine, while speaking, while performing, come in handy, laughing. People greedily listen, concentrate on, intoxicated, and burst into applause from time to time.