张充仁老师1907年生于上海徐家汇,1998年于法国去世,是我国一位著名的雕塑家与水彩画家。他于1932年进比利时皇家美术学院雕塑高级班,经过4年艰苦勤奋的学习,毕业时获得人体雕塑第一名以及雕塑构图第一名的优异成绩,并得到布鲁塞尔市政府金质奖和比利时国王亚尔培奖,该奖项以只能授予具有比利时国藉的青年画家,为此他谢绝了皇家美院居留的邀请,毅然回国。 1936年春,应马相伯、蔡元培、徐悲鸿、汪田生等人兴起的,在上海举办《张充仁回国作品展览会》后,在上海合肥路开设了《充仁画室》,先后培养了300多名学生,其中后来不乏力建筑、摄影及艺
Zhang Chongren was born in Xujiahui, Shanghai in 1907 and died in France in 1998. He is a famous sculptor and watercolorist in China. In 1932, he advanced into the advanced class of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium. After four years of hard work and diligence, he graduated with first place in body sculpture and first place in sculpture composition. He received the Gold Medal from the Brussels Municipal Government and the King of Belgium The Alpe Prize, which won only young artists with Belgian national debt, declined the invitation to reside in the Royal Academy and decided to return home. In the spring of 1936, after the appearance of “Zhang Chongren's Returning Works Exhibition” in Shanghai with the rise of Ma Xiangbo, Cai Yuanpei, Xu Beihong and Wang Tiansheng, more than 300 students were trained at Hefei Road in Shanghai and later more than 300 students No lack of building, photography and art