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  (注:CE: Teens曾在2008年4月号的“环球风情”栏目中介绍过勃朗特姐妹的故乡,有兴趣的同学可以查阅。)
  Charlotte Bronte 1)represented a fascinating mystery to the London literary world of 1847.
  An unknown writer named Currer Bell had
  produced Jane Eyre, a popular and 2)controversial novel. Two other novels were published the same year, Agnes Grey by Acton Bell and Wuthering Heights by Ellis Bell. Were the novels written by three different writers or only one? And were they written by men or women?
  Even the publishers of the novels didn’t know. So in 1848, Charlotte and her sister Anne, the author
  of Agnes Grey, traveled to London to introduce
  themselves to publisher George Smith and assure him that they were different people and both women.
  Charlotte’s Jane Eyre was still a source of
  controversy, though. Its 3)heroine was a strong woman who took 4)responsibility for her own life. It contained scenes of wild passion and violent acts. Rochester’s plan to marry when he had a living wife shocked the people of that time.
  It was certainly a strange production for someone
  like Charlotte Bronte, who led such a 5)retiring life. And Charlotte 6)acknowledged that Jane was not a version of herself. But Jane was a reflection of
  principles that Charlotte lived by.
  Charlotte was a 7)preacher’s daughter 8)to the core. She was raised with strong faith and a firm sense of duty. Her father, Patrick Bronte, was a
  9)curate 10)assigned to the Yorkshire 11)parish of
  Haworth, a land of 12)moors and isolated farms. The family lived in a 13)modest stone house surrounded by the church and graveyard. Charlotte had two older sisters, Maria and Elizabeth, and three younger
  14)siblings, Branwell, Emily, and Anne. Their mother died while the children were small; Maria and Elizabeth died in childhood after difficult years in a girl’s school. Maria would become the model for Helen Burns in Jane Eyre, and some of the dialogue even came from real life.
  Their mother’s death left the four surviving
  children with their father and an aunt. Both adults were 15)distant, and the 16)bleak northern weather left the children with little to do much of the year. They began to write poetry, stories, and plays.
  When the three girls grew older, they were sent to school. Anne’s poor health and Emily’s homesickness soon brought them home. But Charlotte showed her 17)stern sense of duty even as a child, and attended school at Cowan Bridge and Roe Head. Although nearsighted and extremely shy, she made life-long friends at Roe Head.
  As Charlotte and her brother and sisters entered their teens, they faced the 18)prospect of earning their livings. For women of her time and class, there were few options. One was becoming a 19)governess, and Charlotte took a position. Her employers were kind. But Charlotte had an 20)aversion to strangers all her life that she could not overcome.
  Charlotte left her employers and made plans with her sisters to start their own school. For this purpose, she and Emily went to Belgium to acquire 21)proficiency in French. However, shyness and homesickness drove them both home again.
  Charlotte also taught with her friend Miss Wooler at a school near her home for a while. But she was still not happy with the work. In her book The Life of Charlotte Bronte, Charlotte’s friend Elizabeth Gaskell pointed out reasons why being either a governess or a teacher was unsuitable for her. One was Charlotte’s shyness, which would even cause her 22)raging headaches if she spent too much time in the company of strangers. Charlotte also did not understand children. Although she was always kind to everyone, she didn’t know how to 23)relate to them.
  Most of the Brontes’ young adult years were spent
  trying to make money. When plans for a school fell through, the girls began to seriously consider writing, and began working on novels. They would do household
  24)chores during the day, write when they could, and meet in the evening after everyone else was in bed. They would compare and critique each other’s work.
  All three met with more or less success, but Jane Eyre won instant popularity. It also earned enough money that Charlotte could now expect to make a living as a writer.
  But bad fortune came along in the next two years. Emily and Anne died from 25)tuberculosis and Branwell, who had developed an 26)opium 27)addiction, also passed away.
  The children’s aunt had passed away a few years
  earlier, and this left Charlotte alone with her father. With only each other to 28)rely on, they grew close, and looked out for each other.
  Charlotte continued to have writing success with
  Shirley (1849), Villette (1853) and The Professor (1857). Her father was very proud.
  Charlotte finally had a short 29)respite from her lonely life. At the age of 37, she married her father’s assistant, Arthur Nicholls. They lived
  happily after Charlotte’s difficult earlier life, much like Jane Eyre and Rochester. But unlike Jane and Rochester, their happiness was cut short. Nine months after their wedding, Charlotte died from a 30)lingering
  fever and was buried in the family 31)vault in Haworth church.
  Charlotte Bronte’s writing brought her into contact with a wider world, and she became friends with great authors of her day, such as Robert Southey注1 and William Makepeace Thackeray注2. But she always remained a true 32)inhabitant of her rural home, retiring, 33)sober, and 34)circumspect. Like her sisters, the bleak and lonely beauty of the moors was a part of her.
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I asked her to stay  But she wouldn’t listen  She left before I had the chance to say  The words that would mend  The things that were broken  But now it’s far too late, she’s gone away    *Every nigh