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为研究多旋翼植保无人飞机施药时农药雾滴飘移规律以及施药作业人员职业暴露情况,依据喷雾飘移田间测试国际标准ISO22866和人体暴露贴片测试法,对多旋翼植保无人飞机和电动背负式喷雾器在水稻田喷施氯虫苯甲酰胺和苯醚甲环唑时的农药雾滴飘移量及施药作业人员人体农药沉积量进行了对比测试和分析评价。结果表明:在本试验环境条件下,多旋翼植保无人飞机在作业速率4 m/s和作业高度1.8 m参数下施药时,在距施药区下风向边界0~30 m范围内地面均有农药飘移性沉积,30 m处氯虫苯甲酰胺飘移率为0.9%,而背负式喷雾器施药的飘移量则主要集中在距施药区0~3 m区域内,3 m以外区域飘移率均≤0.6%;背负式喷雾器在距施药区5 m以及10 m远处空中不同高度的飘移量均小于0.001 μg/cm2,多旋翼植保无人飞机在距施药区5 m远处空中的飘移量大于10 m处,并且在垂直分布上,距冠层2 m左右 (无人飞机的飞行高度) 处飘移量最多。结合两种施药机具的雾滴粒径(背负式喷雾器DV50 值为149.4 μm,多旋翼植保无人飞机DV50 值为115.3 μm) 分析,无人飞机的雾滴具有更高的飘移潜力。由于实现了人机分离,多旋翼植保无人飞机进行作业时人体暴露量很低,而背负式喷雾器施药时对作业人员身体各部位均会造成一定的暴露,其中以手前臂和腿部正面暴露最为严重,在施用苯醚甲环唑时,右前臂背面暴露量最高,达到15.19 μg/cm2。本文中针对多旋翼植保无人飞机喷雾作业时在下风向的飘移沉积研究方法和试验结果,以及对多旋翼植保无人飞机施药过程中职业暴露的研究,可为农药喷雾作业缓冲区距离确定和人员作业安全评估提供参考。“,”Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can produce droplet drift in pest control. This study investigated the difference in drift downwind by ISO22866 standard and pestcide exposure to applicators between spraying anisolecanazole and chlorantranilipprole by UAV and knapsack sprayer in rice fields. Data displayed that UAV had drifting deposits at 0-30 m from the boundary of the downwind zone when spraying in test conditions (4 m/s of flying speed and 1.8 m of flying height) , and the drift rate of chlorantraniliprole is 0.9% at distance of 30 m, while knapsack sprayer only has drifting deposits at 0-3 m to ground and drift rate no more than 0.6% in the area beyond 3 m. Meanwhile, the drift amount in the air when applied knapsack sprayer at 5 m and 10 m distance were all less than 0.001 μg/cm2 , while UAV had more drift at 5 m than that at 10 m and has the most drift amount at 2 m height (the height UAV flys). The DV50 of the knapsack sprayer was 149.4 μm and UAV was 115.3 μm. When combining the droplet size of these two application equipments, the results indicated that droplets of UAV had higher drift potential. In terms of pesticide exposure to applicators, it was discovered that the exposure of UAV application was almostly zero due to the separation of applictor and application machine, while knapsack sprayer application had whole body exposure to pesticide. Forearms and front legs were most severe, and the back of the right forearm even reached at 15.19 μg/cm2. This work can be used as reference in the determination of the buffer zone range and human risk assessment.